Listed here are particle theorists actively engaged in research on Beyond the Standard Model physics. This list is clearly not complete. Those particle theorists who would like to have their names and web pages included in (or excluded from) the list are kindly asked to send a message to Or you can edit the page yourself.
This page is based on Bogdan Dobrescu's page, but will hopefully be kept more up to date. Wish me luck.
The format of this page is not yet finalized. Obviously, it is way longer than it needs to be, since everyone's name is on a separate line. This will be addressed in good time.
(defined as less than 2.5-hour drive from MIT.)
(defined as less than 2.5-hour drive from Fermilab)
(Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio)
(defined as less than 2.5-hour drive from Columbia Univ.)
(Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York)
(Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Alabama)
(defined as less than 2.5-hour drive from Berkeley)
defined as less than 2.5-hour drive from UCLA)
(Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas)