Research Questions

I'm interested in working in your research group. Where do I sign up?

There is some information about joining my group. If you have further questions, send me an email.

Do you respond to generic emails asking to come to MIT?

Yes, I try to, but I typically just send stock emails. Like this one, for a prospective Ph.D. student:

If you want to get a more detailed response, then you need to make a more personal connection, at minimum by including my name in your email. Or saying that your undergraduate advisor (include your advisor's name!) recommended that you contact me. Or that you are interested in a specific paper of mine (including the reference!). But generic emails saying “Dear Professor, I am very interested in your work.” will get the stock email, if I send anything at all.

What are some of your particle physics pet peeves?

When describing the open questions in particle physics to non-experts, it is usually necessary to paint a simplified picture using simplified language. Sometimes, though, this simplified language is used by experts when communicating to each other. Mostly this is harmless, but sometimes I find that it misleads students (and even professors!) about what the real mysteries in particle physics are.

Here are two examples where I think that the statement in bold is misleading and that the more accurate statement is more interesting than the simplified lore:

If I am on your PhD thesis committee and you make one of the above bold statements in your thesis, then there is a high probability that I'll ask you about it during your defense.

How do you come up with your acronyms?

You mean “ABRACADABRA” (A Broadband or Resonant Approach to Cosmic Axion Detection with an Amplifying B-field Ring Apparatus)? Or “DarkLight” (Detecting A Resonance Kinematically with Leptons Incident on a Gaseous Hydrogen Target)? Or the infamous “P...B...S...” (Polynomial… Basis… for… Substructure…, see footnote 10), which would likely best the competition at DOOFAAS? I write down a sentence describing the idea, take the first letters of (most) of the words, and watch my collaborators cringe.

Mentoring Questions

Do you have advice for a starting theoretical physicist?

For me, taking a course in quantum mechanics from Antal Jevicki was the key turning point when I realized that I wanted to pursue theoretical physics as a career. But it was not until I went to graduate school that I realized exactly what it means to be on the front lines of scientific progress. So until you experience the simultaneous frustration and exhilaration of research, it is hard to really grasp what it means to be theoretical physicist on a day-to-day basis.

When I taught quantum mechanics myself at MIT (8.06), I gave the following advice to my students on the last day of class (mostly juniors, many of whom would go on to graduate school in physics and related fields):

If you are looking for more advice, I found this transcript of a podcast by my MIT colleauge Peter Fisher to be quite enlightening (especially the part about the fish).

What are some things I should aim to achieve during my PhD?

There are as many ways to be a successful physicist as there are successful physicists. That said, there are skills that are highly correlated with research success. So if you are motivated by checking off boxes, here are some tasks that most (though not all) graduate students in theoretical physics complete by the end of their PhD.

What is a good practice problem for the MIT Nuclear/Particle Theory oral qualifying exam?

Draw the leading order Feynman diagrams that contribute to top-antitop production at the Large Hadron Collider. Repeat for top-top production.

What is another good practice problem for the MIT Nuclear/Particle Theory oral qualifying exam?

Augment the Standard Model to have two Higgs doublets and write down all interactions with dimension four and smaller. Assuming generic couplings, why is this theory inconsistent with experimental data?

What is yet another good practice problem for the MIT Nuclear/Particle Theory oral qualifying exam?

Present a simultaneous solution to the strong CP problem, hierarchy problem, and cosmological constant problem. Bonus points if your solution includes a dark matter candidate and/or explains the baryon asymmetry of the universe.

What advice do you have for giving job talks?

At some level, every talk is a job talk, since you never know whether your future employer might be in the audience. But a “real” job talk requires a lot of preparation, so start early and make sure to give a practice talk in front of a live audience to get feedback. When I applied to MIT, my job talk was scheduled right after a winter conference at the Aspen Center for Physics, so I thought I was going to enjoy some skiing and relaxation in the mountains before my MIT interview. Instead, after a decidedly mediocre practice talk, I realized that I had to rework my talk from scratch! So no skiing for me, but the extra effort was really worth it in the long run.

In terms of specific advice, here are three typical suggestions I make at practice job talks:

Teaching Questions

Have you ever let your students down?

During the covid pandemic in Spring 2020, we faced difficult decisions about how to assess student understanding of the material in 8.044 (Statistical Mechanics). One student asked whether the final assignment grade could be dropped if their problem set grades were higher. In response, I posted the following message to Piazza:

We have developed the following official policy about whether it might be possible to give up the final assignment grade.

At the end of the semester, some students got together to make their opinions known:

W​e have collaborated on the following official evaluation ​of 8.044 this semester.

I appreciated their candor in telling us just how they're feeling and making us understand. Certainly, a learning experience for everyone. Thank goodness we were on emergency pass/no record grading.

Personal Questions

What are your pronouns?


I have debated many times with myself about whether I should put this information in my email signature, and I finally decided to add this information in October 2021, for reasons I explain below.

First, let me explain my long hesitation. “Jesse” is a somewhat gender ambiguous name, and I don't mind (too much) when people add an extra “i” by mistake. It felt a bit uncomfortable to assert my gender at this point in my career when the gender ambiguity in my name (and in my past hairstyle) was part of my experience growing up. Also, physics is a rather male-dominated field, and I worried that providing my pronouns would somehow reinforce male-ness as the default for a physics professor, though I also appreciated that my reticence was probably doing so implicitly. I do like the way that providing pronouns signals an aspiration towards a more diverse and inclusive physics environment. As I often tell my students: there are as many ways to be a successful physicist as there are successful physicists. So while I didn't give my preferred pronouns, my email signature did (and still does) have a link to the MIT Physics Community Values.

What made me change my mind to include my pronouns? I received an email from a student who put not only their pronouns but also the pronunciation of their name in their email signature. In the same way that misgendering a person is disrespectful, mispronouncing their name is as well. Providing this information seemed like a positive (albeit small) step towards making the physics community more welcome. So while I didn't go so far as to create an audio version of my name, I now state both my pronouns (he/him/his) and my pronunciation (JEH-see THAY-lr) in my signature.

Website Questions

Why a wiki?

Though I loved my old black and white webpage, I never got around to editting it much. In the wiki format, editing and viewing pages take the same amount of work, so my innate narcissism will drive me to actually make updated content. Or at least that's the hope…

What wiki server do you use?

I use DokuWiki because… well, I'm not sure why, but it works.

Why don't you ever update your website?

Because I am too busy padding my cv.

Why don't you have a blog?

See above. Though I do think that scientific communication to the general public is very important, so I participate in the TheoryNet program to visit high school physics classes in the Boston area. Also, I appear briefly in a particle physics documentary.

Who chose your color scheme?

San Francisco Jazz Festival

What? You don't like orange links? I was semi-inspired by the SFJAZZ poster hanging in my office, but a certain someone refused to let me use purple. Consider yourself lucky I didn't use the 2004 color scheme.

Logic Questions

Is today opposite day?

Today is and is not opposite day. [h/t Adrian]